Loan period
The loan period for an interlibrary loan is three weeks. Interlibrary loans cannot be renewed.
You can have up to 10 active interlibrary loan requests per patron. Requests are active from the time they are placed until the item has been returned to a Hennepin County Library and checked in by the Interlibrary Loan department.
Lending libraries may decline to lend any item and may limit the number of times they will send an item. Items previously borrowed through interlibrary loan may not be available again.
Pick up items
Most requests are filled in two to three weeks. Some take longer due to demand for the item, how widely it is held, and delivery schedules. You will be notified by email or phone when the item is ready to pick up.
There's no charge for interlibrary loan service, except for some microfilm requests that require pre-paid fees.
Cancel a request
To cancel an ILL request—select item(s) from your MNLINK account page, click “Cancel Selected Requests,” and select Yes to confirm.
However, please keep in mind that cancellations in MNLINK may not be possible if an item is in the later stages of processing.
If you are unable to cancel a request, the item will be sent to your chosen pickup location. At that point, you can cancel the request from your Hennepin County Library account and the item will be processed as a return.