Online resources

154 results


Company profiles, annual reports, full-text articles, and industry and market research reports.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Business

Academic Search Premier

Scholarly publications covering all academic disciplines. Includes full-text articles. Goes back to 1975.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: General

Adult Learning Center

Live coaching and practice exams for many tests including the U.S. citizenship exam and the GED. Build academic skills, learn Microsoft programs, improve your resume, and more.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Education


Available only in a library. Automotive diagnostic and repair information, Technical Service Bulletins, and printable wiring diagrams. Goes back to 1982.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Automotive and repair

Alt HealthWatch

Full-text articles from journals, reports, pamphlets, and original research. Covers complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care. Indexing goes back to 1984, full-text to 1990.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Health and wellness

American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection

Includes American magazines and journals published between 1691 and 1876 held by the American Antiquarian Society.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: History and biography

American Indian Experience

Articles on the Native tribes of North America as well as primary sources, including treaties, speeches, traditional tales, maps, and images.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: History and biography , Homework

American Periodicals

Digitized images of periodicals published 1740-1940. Includes historically-significant children's and women's magazines and general and special interest magazines and journals.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: History and biography

Ancestry Library Edition

Available only in a library. Genealogy collections including census records, passenger lists, vital, court, church, and military records, newspapers, directories, stories, photos, and maps.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Genealogy and local history , History and biography

APS Journals

Available only in a library. Full-text articles from American Physical Society peer-reviewed research journals.

Access provided through the APS Public Access Program and Hennepin County Library.

Category: Science


Descriptions of archival collections held by thousands of libraries, museums, historical societies and archives worldwide.

Category: History and biography

Art & Architecture Source

Full-text journal articles and books on fine, decorative and commercial art; and various areas of architecture and architectural design. Also includes a collection of images.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Arts and culture


BiblioEnfants (Tumblebooks) offre des livres animés et des romans pour les jeunes, avec des textes soulignés. En plus, la collection includes romans graphiques, des livres et vidéos non-fiction, des puzzles, et des jeux.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors

Biblioteca Tumble

Libros infantiles y de capítulos animados y con texto resaltado. Incluye libros y videos de información, audiolibros, rompecabezas y juegos. Para estudiantes de kínder a quinto grado.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors , Spanish

Biography and Genealogy Master Index

Index of biographical sketches for contemporary and historic people from around the world. Citations only.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: History and biography

Birds of the World

Find comprehensive, authoritative information on every bird species in the world, including maps, images, videos, and audio files of songs and calls. Designed for researchers, biologists, naturalists, and birders.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Science


Video storybooks and online nonfiction books for young readers. Includes streaming video, games and educator resources.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Books and authors , Homework

Books in Print

Information on in print, out of print, or forthcoming books, eBooks, audiobooks, and videos. Includes reviews, contents, previews, author biographies, awards information, and publisher information.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors

Britannica Library

Full-text articles, plus primary sources, news, websites, videos, images, magazine articles, online books, and an interactive atlas. Resources categorized for children, teens, and general reference.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Encyclopedias and dictionaries , Homework

Business Market Research Collection

Company, industry, economic, geopolitical market research with information from Hoover's, OxResearch, Barnes Reports, and Snapshots.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Business

Business Source Premier

Detailed company and industry profiles, country economic reports, and market research reports. Full-text articles going back to 1922.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Business

Capital Changes U.S.

Available only in a library. Covers federal tax consequences of capital changes for U.S. publicly traded companies over 100 years.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Business

Catalog of U.S. Government Publications

Print and electronic publications from all branches of the U.S. Government.

Funded by the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

Category: Government and politics

CINAHL Complete

Scholarly full-text articles from nursing and allied health journals.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Health and wellness

City Directory Collection

Digitized images of the Edina City Directory, 1941-1977; Hopkins City Directory, 1942-1977; Minneapolis City Directory, 1859-1950; St. Louis Park City Directory, 1933-1977. City directories list residents with their occupations, places of employment and spouses. Local businesses are listed by name and subject category, and directories are searchable by name or address.

Funded, in part, by Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund and the former Professional Librarians Union of Minneapolis (PLUM)

Category: Genealogy and local history , Directories

Columbia Gazetteer of the World

Names, descriptions, and characteristics of over 165,000 places in the world.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Countries and states

Columbia Granger's World of Poetry

Full-text of widely read poems, plus commentaries and biographies.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors

Consumer Health Complete

Full-text reports and magazine articles on mainstream, complementary, holistic, and integrated medicine. Includes images, diagrams, videos, pamphlets, and narrated animations.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Health and wellness

Consumer Reports

Ratings, research, and advice from an independent, non-profit on a wide range of products and services. Provides browsable, full-text access to the current issue and over twenty years of previous issues.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Consumer information

Consumers' Checkbook

Consumer survey ratings of Twin Cities services and stores, plus buying advice. Includes health care.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Consumer information

CQ Magazine

Full-text articles covering each week in Congress including bill status, vote reports, and updates on all committees. Goes back to October 1983.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Government and politics

CQ Researcher

Current and controversial issues with detailed discussions of pros and cons, summaries, bibliographies, and links to related stories. Goes back to 1923.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Government and politics , Homework , Pro/Con


Country histories, cultures, statistical data, embassy contacts, images, maps, audio files, and recipes. Includes U.S. states.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Countries and states , Homework


Interactive, guided tutorials including computer basics and operating systems and software from Microsoft and Mac.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Computers and technology , Education , Employment

Dance in Video

Performances, documentaries, interviews, and instructional videos from the most influential performers and companies of the 20th and 21st century.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Arts and culture

Digital Sanborn Maps (Minnesota)

Fire insurance maps for Minnesota counties and cities from 1867-1970.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Genealogy and local history

Duluth News-Tribune

Full-text articles from Duluth, Minnesota newspaper and blog. Goes back to 1995. PDF image version back to 2018.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Newspapers

EBooks Minnesota

An online eBook collection for readers of all ages featuring content from independent Minnesota publishers and including some of Minnesota's best literature and nonfiction.

Access provided by Minitex with funding from a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant to the Minnesota Department of Education.

Category: Books and authors , Downloads , eBooks


Magazine and journal articles, reference books, and images. Provides general and academic coverage of multiple subjects including science, technology, religion, philosophy, psychology, and business.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: General

Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos (World Book)

Información sobre gente, lugares, objetos, acontecimientos e ideas para los estudiantes de primaria a secundaria. Incluye enlaces a periódicos en español de todo el mundo. Aprovecha esta enciclopedia para investigar y divertirte.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Encyclopedias and dictionaries , Homework , Spanish

ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center)

Citations for education-related journal articles, books, theses, and conference papers, going back to 1966. Some full-text articles available.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Education

Explora Kids

Full-text articles from magazines, newspapers, and reference books about current events, people, places, animals, history and more. Includes primary sources, images and maps. Full-text articles are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Elementary/middle school level.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: General , Homework

Explora Library

Full-text articles from reference books and academic and popular periodicals about a broad range of topics, including health, arts and literature, business, professional development and more.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: General

Explora Teen

Full-text articles from reference books and academic and popular periodicals about health, arts and literature, biography, current issues, geography, history and more. Includes primary sources, images and maps. Full-text articles are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). High school level.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: General , Homework


FamilySearch affiliate library access available only in a library. Explore one of the world's largest genealogy collections. Use the Hennepin County Library Affiliate access to gain access to restricted historical collections not available through home access. Set up of free FamilySearch personal account required to use.

Access provided through FamilySearch International.

Category: Genealogy and local history , History and biography

Fiction Core Collection (H.W. Wilson)

A guide to recommended classic and contemporary works of fiction, written in or translated into English, for general library collection development.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors , Libraries

Fold3 Library Edition by Ancestry

Military records including the stories, photos, and personal documents of those who served.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Genealogy and local history , History and biography

Foundation Directory Online Professional

Available only in a library. A listing of charitable foundations and corporate giving programs in the U.S, as well as public charity programs for students, artists, researchers, and individual grantseekers. Includes grant descriptions, trustees, officers and donors. Also offers trainings and other resources designed to improve fundraising, overall sustainability, grantmaking, and transparency.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Grants and foundations

Foundation Maps

Available only in a library. An interactive mapping tool from the Foundation Center that creates images to reveal patterns of giving combined with demographic data.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Grants and foundations

Gale Business: Entrepreneurship

Full-text articles on starting and running a business, including planning, operations, marketing, financing, accounting, and taxes.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Business

Gale Business: Insights

In-depth profiles, articles, case studies, and reports on international companies and industries. Includes interactive charts for industry, country, and company comparisons.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Business

Gale Business: Plan Builder

Step-by-step guidance for planning, starting, and running a small business or nonprofit organization. 

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Business

Gale Directory Library

Directories and encyclopedias covering brands; local, national and international associations; financial aid; college and university faculty; national and international research and information centers; statistic sources; publications and broadcast media; and publishers.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Business , Directories , Education

Gale eBooks

Full-text articles on literature, art, biography, business, religion, science, education, history, law, social science, medicine, multicultural studies, and general reference.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Encyclopedias and dictionaries , General

Gale Genealogy Connect

Features hundreds of fully searchable genealogy and history reference eBooks covering research guides, immigration, colonial and Native American ancestry and more.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Genealogy and local history

Gale General OneFile

Full-text articles from general-interest newspapers, journals, and magazines. Includes videos, audio, and images on current events, popular culture, business and industry, arts and sciences, sports, and hobbies. Goes back to 1980.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: General

Gale In Context: Biography

People from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas. Includes images, audio files, and articles from magazines and reference books.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: History and biography , Homework

Gale In Context: High School

Biography, literature, history, science, current events, multiculturalism, and more. Includes full-text articles, primary sources, essays, critical analyses, timelines, images, and maps.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: General , Homework

Gale In Context: Middle School

Covers cultures, government, people, U.S. and world history, geography, literature, science, and social issues. Includes books, images, biographies, audio, video, magazines, newspapers, creative works, primary sources, and more.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: General , Homework

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints

Social issues covered by pro/con viewpoint essays, topic overviews, primary sources, biographies, court-cases, articles, statistics, charts and graphs, images, and podcasts.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Homework , Pro/Con

Gale In Context: Science

Overviews, full-text articles, images, websites, and videos covering earth and life science, space, technology, mathematics, and science history and biography. Includes science experiments.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Science , Homework

Gale In Context: U.S. History

Primary sources, secondary sources, and full-text journal articles covering all areas of U.S. History. Middle/high school level.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: History and biography , Homework

Gale In Context: World History

Primary sources, secondary sources, and full-text journal articles covering world history from antiquity to the present. Middle/high school level.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: History and biography , Homework

Gale Literature

One search location for Gale's online literature archive resources, including Dictionary of Literary Biography Complete, Literature Criticism, and Something About the Author.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors

Gale Literature: Contemporary Authors

Complete biographical and bibliographic information on U.S. and international authors. Includes awards and honors, adaptations, and commentary.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors

Gale Literature Criticism

Commentary from broadsheets, pamphlets, encyclopedias, books, and journals. Covers poetry, drama, novels, short stories, and more. Goes back to 1400.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors

Gale Literature: Dictionary of Literary Biography

Essays on authors, historians, journalists, screenwriters, publishers and playwrights. Includes biographical data, awards, bibliographies, descriptive overviews, images and reviews. DLB Yearbook offers literary events year by year.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors , History and biography

Gale Literature Resource Center

Biographies, bibliographies and critical analysis of authors from every age and literary discipline. Includes criticism, plot summaries, and dictionary of literary terms. Goes back to 1400.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors , Homework

Gale Literature: Something about the Author

Articles and images detailing the lives and works of children's and teens' authors and illustrators.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors


Official Federal Government documents and publications available online in multiple digital renditions or file formats.

Funded by the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

Category: Government and politics

GuideStar Pro

Available only in a library. Research nonprofits to support and to find services.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Grants and foundations

Health Source: Consumer Edition

Full-text articles on medical sciences, food sciences, nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Health and wellness

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition

Full-text articles cover ethics, inquiry, pediatric, mental health, allied health and drug guides. Goes back to 1975.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Health and wellness


Free online tutoring and writing help for K-12 students and adult learners. Tutors are available online every day from 1 to 11 p.m. Get help in English or Spanish.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Homework

Hennepin County Library Archival Collections

Archival collections include unique historical materials like meeting minutes, correspondence, financial records, photographs, digital files, video recordings, memorabilia, and websites. Detailed inventories, called finding aids, describe archival collections with historical information and context. The physical collections are located in Special Collections at Minneapolis Central Library.

Category: Genealogy and local history

Hennepin County Library Digital Collections

Thousands of items related to Hennepin County and Minneapolis history are available to search, browse and download.

Category: Genealogy and local history

Hennepin County Library Web Archives

View websites as they appeared in the past, including the library website and selected local websites from governments, non-profit organizations, arts and cultural institutions, and more, beginning in 2020.

Category: Genealogy and local history , Libraries

HeritageQuest Online

Comprehensive collection of genealogical and local history resources dating back to the 1700s including unique primary sources, family and local histories, research guides, interactive census maps and more.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Genealogy and local history , History and biography

Human Resources Compliance Library

Available only in a library. Addresses changing HR practices and federal and state laws.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Business , Employment , Law

Indie Author Project

The Indie Author Project allows self-published authors to make their eBooks available to readers in public libraries in Minnesota and potentially across the country.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Books and authors , eBooks

Indie Minnesota

Self-published eBooks from Minnesota authors.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Books and authors , Downloads , eBooks

Job and Career Accelerator

Resources and guidance for career exploration and job searching, including current job listings, tips for job interviews and guides for creating professional resumes and cover letters.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Employment


Live interview coaching, online resume and cover letter assistance. Offers practice tests, online writing lab, and skill building tools in math, reading, writing.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Employment


Full-text articles from scholarly journals, conference proceedings, primary sources, and books covering the humanities, social sciences, math, and sciences. Articles generally become available 3-5 years after publication. Coverage varies by journal.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: General


Available only to Hennepin County residents and property owners who have library cards.

Stream thousands of movies, documentaries, Great Courses, TV shows, and more.

Log in and create your account on, then start streaming through the Kanopy website or app on your TV, phone, or tablet. Each Hennepin County Library cardholder will have 15 tickets for viewing each month. Tickets must be used within the checkout period found on a title’s detail page. Kanopy Kids films are free, no tickets required.

Subscription purchased with funding from the Friends of the Hennepin County Library.

Category: Arts and culture

LearningExpress Library

Resources for basic computer and academic skill building, job preparation, and career advancement. Includes interactive tutorials, online books, and test preparation tools for GED, SAT, ACT, TOEFL, and military and occupational exams.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Computers and technology , Education , Employment , Language learning

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text

Indexes journals, books, research reports, and proceedings on all aspects of libraries. Includes full-text for many titles. Goes back to the mid-1960s.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network. Additional funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Libraries

LinkedIn Learning for Library

Access to LinkedIn Learning is restricted to Hennepin County residents and property owners. 

Formerly Video tutorials taught by recognized industry experts. Lessons are for all skill levels on a wide variety of topics, including business skills and software; web design and development; music, photo, and video editing; and 3D design and animation. Courses are available in English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Mandarin, and Portuguese. 

Library ID for mobile app: hclib.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Education , Employment , Computers and technology

Loeb Classical Library

Classical Greek and Latin texts alongside English translations. Spans eighteen centuries, from 800 BC to 1000 AD, and includes epic and lyric poetry; tragedy and comedy; history, travel, philosophy, and oratory.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors

MasterFILE Complete

Full-text articles from magazines and reference books covering many topics. Includes biographies, primary sources, photos, maps, and flags. Goes back to 1975.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: General


Information on diseases, conditions, wellness issues, drugs, supplements, and treatments. Resources include medical videos and illustrations as well as a medical dictionary and encyclopedia. From the National Library of Medicine.

Funded by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

Category: Health and wellness

Mergent Intellect

Private and public U.S. and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, industry profiles, and more. Also includes residential search, demographic reports, job search, consumer data, First Research, and Key Business Ratios.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Business

Mesabi Tribune Collection

Full-text articles from the Mesabi Iron Range. Goes Back to 2002. PDF image version back to 2023.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Newspapers

Minnesota Digital Library

Images, maps and documents from historical societies, libraries, archives, and cultural organizations across Minnesota, including Hennepin County Library's Special Collections.

Category: Genealogy and local history

Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub

The Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub is a searchable website from the Minnesota Historical Society that makes millions of pages of Minnesota newspapers available online. The Hub contains geographically and culturally diverse newspapers published between 1849 and today.

Funded by the State of Minnesota.

Category: Genealogy and local history , History and biography , Newspapers

Minnesota Legal Forms Library

Covers bankruptcy, bills of sale, contracts, divorce, employment, incorporation, landlord/tenant, living wills, name change, power of attorney, real estate, taxes and wills. Includes U.S. and Minnesota forms.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Law

Minnesota Newspapers

Print and online-only newspapers, journals, blogs, and broadcast transcripts. Date range varies by publication, starting as far back as 1986.

Purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes. Additional funding from the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA), with funding from state and federal tax revenues.

Category: Newspapers , Genealogy and local history

MNLINK (Minnesota Library Information Network)

A statewide virtual library to search for library resources across Minnesota. Use MNLINK to make Interlibrary Loan (ILL) requests for materials within and outside of Minnesota.

Funded by the State of Minnesota.

Category: Libraries


Albums from Minnesota musicians curated by local experts. Full songs and albums are available to stream and download.

Subscription purchased with funding from the Friends of the Hennepin County Library.

Category: Arts and culture , Downloads , Music

Morningstar Investing Center

In-depth data and analysis on stocks, funds, and ETF’s. Also offers portfolio guidance and tutorials on stocks, funds, and portfolio building. Includes Investing Classroom.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Business

Music & Performing Arts

Streaming audio and video, as well as reference works, scores, and liner notes covering all time periods and hundreds of thousands of artists, composers, choreographers, and ensembles. Includes American music, classical music, dance, film, jazz, popular music, theatre, and world music.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Arts and culture , Music

Music Index with Full Text

Index and abstracts of articles about music, musicians, and the music industry. Includes book reviews, obituaries, and news. Some full-text articles available. Goes back to 1970.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Music

National Geographic Virtual Library

Full-text magazine articles. Includes books, maps, images and videos. Goes back to 1888.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Countries and states


From S&P Global. Directory information and data (including stock reports) for global public and private companies. Industry reports, as well as sector data, mutual fund and ETF reports. Historical price record data, country data and compensation information for executives.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Business

New York Times

Full-text articles from several different eJournals going back to 1857.

Category: Newspapers

New York Times, ProQuest Historical Newspapers

Digitized images from the original newspapers, New York Daily Times (1851 - 1857) and New York Times (from 1857 on, except the most recent 4 years). 

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: History and biography , Newspapers

New York Times, ProQuest Recent Newspapers

Full-page, digitized images of the newspaper. Goes back to 2008; articles from the last 60-90 days may not be available yet.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Newspapers

Niche Academy

Video tutorials with instructions on using a variety of the library’s online resources.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Education

Nonfiction Core Collection

A guide to recommended reference and nonfiction books for adults, including plays and poetry.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors , Libraries

NoveList K-8 Plus

Resources for finding fiction and nonfiction titles for children and teens by topic, genre, grade level, and Lexile score. Includes read-alikes, discussion guides, reviews and articles. 

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Books and authors , Homework

NoveList Plus

Information and resources to find fiction and nonfiction titles. Includes author read-alikes, discussion guides, reviews and articles.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Books and authors

Nursing & Allied Health Premium

Scholarly literature, training videos, reference materials, and dissertations for nursing and allied health research, clinical skills development, and curriculum support.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Health and wellness


A catalog of digital resources from open-access archive collections. Includes full-text articles, theses, audio, images, movies, and data sets.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: General

OmniFile Select

Multidisciplinary, full-text articles from numerous journals. Covers art, science, technology, education, humanities, law, libraries, literature, social sciences and business. Goes back to 1994.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: General

One More Story

Picture books set to music and read aloud to you, or use the "I Can Read It" mode to read them yourself. For children ages 2-6.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors

OverDrive Digital Library

Downloadable eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, and comics for all ages. You can use the OverDrive Libby app to access your items on a mobile device.

Getting started? Find the help link at the top right once you are in OverDrive.

Purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes. Additional funding from the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA), with funding from state and federal tax revenues.

Category: Books and authors , Downloads , eBooks

Oxford English Dictionary Online

Definitions, histories, and pronunciations for over half a million words.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Encyclopedias and dictionaries

Patent search tools

Search granted U.S. patents and published U.S. patent applications.

Funded by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Category: Business , Law

PebbleGo: Animals and Biographies

Articles about animals and famous people with read-aloud audio and interactive activities. Designed for grades K-3. Recommended browsers are Google Chrome and Safari.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Homework , History and biography , Science

PebbleGo Next: States and Indigenous Peoples' History

Articles about states and Native American history and studies, with read-aloud audio and questions to inspire critical thinking. Designed for grades 3-5.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Homework , Countries and states , History and biography

Poetry & Short Story Reference Source

Full-text poetry and short stories with supplemental content, including biographies and authoritative essays on topics such as poetic forms, movements and techniques.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors

Points of View Reference Source

Essays on controversial topics that examine multiple sides of current issues. Includes charts, graphs, and research guides. Middle/high school level.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Homework , Pro/Con


Online platform to create, edit and publish books in print-ready and eBook formats.

Access provided by Minitex with funding from a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant to the Minnesota Department of Education.

Category: Books and authors


Full-text articles from U.S. and international papers. Provides up to a 90-day backfile and the ability to perform keyword searches across all titles.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Newspapers

Professional Development Collection

Full-text education journals and teachers' editions. Includes librarianship, counseling, computers, and psychology.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Education


One search engine for all available ProQuest resources. Includes current and historic magazines and newspapers as well as resources for business and industry research.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: General

ProQuest Congressional

Full-text of bills available. U.S. Congress publications indexed and abstracted. Goes back to 1789.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Government and politics


Citations cover medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and preclinical sciences. Some full-text available.

Funded by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

Category: Health and wellness

Reference Solutions

Directories for Canadian businesses, and U.S. businesses and residences. Consumer/Lifestyles database offers market research.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Business , Directories

Regional Business News

Full-text articles from regional business publications for the U.S. and Canada. Coverage dates vary.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Business

Rochester Post-Bulletin

Full-text articles from Rochester, Minnesota newspaper. Goes back to 2006.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Newspapers

St. Paul Pioneer Press

Full-text articles from Saint Paul, Minnesota newspaper, print and web edition. Goes back to 1988. PDF image version back to 2018.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Newspapers

Salem Press online

Online access to publications that include primary documents in American history, literary reviews, essays on American business history, and articles on a wide range of health conditions.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: General

SAMS Photofact Online

Schematics and repair information on electronic products for models going back to 1946.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Automotive and repair

Scholastic GO!

Full-text articles from encyclopedias. Includes animals, biographies, countries, science and more.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Encyclopedias and dictionaries , Homework

Science Reference Source

Full-text articles covering biology, chemistry, earth and environmental sciences, life science, physics, scientists, technology, wildlife, and animals. Content is from encyclopedias, reference books, and journals.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Science


Resources for science exploration and student research support. Includes nonfiction articles with read aloud option, videos, current events, career information, and experiments.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Homework , Science

Social Explorer

Current and historical U.S. Census data from 1790-2010. Create maps and reports to illustrate, analyze, and understand demography and social change.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Countries and states , History and biography

Star Tribune

Full-text articles from Minneapolis, Minnesota newspaper, including Minneapolis Star and Tribune and all three local editions: Minneapolis, Metro, and St. Paul.

1/1/2008 to 3 months ago
1/1/1986 to present

Category: Genealogy and local history , Newspapers

Star Tribune Archive by

Available only in a library. Full-page images of newspapers owned by Star Tribune, including City Pages, from 1867 to one month ago.

Access provided by StarTribune,, and Hennepin County Library.

Category: Genealogy and local history , History and biography , Newspapers

Star Tribune, ProQuest Recent Newspapers

Full-page, digitized images of the Minneapolis, Minnesota newspaper. Goes back to 2008; articles from the last 60-90 days may not be available yet.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Newspapers

Transparent Language Online

Self-paced instruction for over 70 languages.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) with funding from state revenue.

Category: Language learning


Scholastic True Books on nonfiction topics. Projects, lessons, and activities help build knowledge on people, places, history, science, and nature.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Countries and states , Homework , Science

TumbleBook Library

Animated story books and chapter books with highlighted text. Also includes graphic novels, nonfiction books and videos, puzzles, and games. Some titles in Spanish and French. Kindergarten - Gr 5.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors


Journals, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and zines. Includes ISSN, publisher, language, subject, abstracting and indexing coverage, full-text database coverage, tables of contents, and reviews written by librarians.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Directories

U.S. Newsstream

Full-text articles from major national and regional newspapers. Date range varies by publication, starting as far back as 1970.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Newspapers

Value Line

Financial data reporting, analysis, and securities ranking systems. Access up to five years of technical history.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Business

Wall Street Journal, ProQuest Recent Newspapers

Full-page, digitized images of the newspaper. Goes back to 2008; articles from the last 60-90 days may not be available yet.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Newspapers


Available only in a library. Minnesota and U.S. cases, headnotes, statutes, court orders, court rules, and administrative decisions. 

For information on accessing additional legal databases in Westlaw, Lexis, and others, visit or contact the Hennepin County Law Library.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Law


Optimized for use in Chrome browser. Profiles of domestic and international advertising agencies and advertisers. Indexes brand names and offers advertising industry data.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Business

World Book Kids

Full-text articles on people, places, science, animals, history, and more. Includes videos, images, audio files, science projects, maps, and games. Elementary school level.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Encyclopedias and dictionaries , Homework

World Book Online

Full-text articles, headline news explored in depth, primary sources, websites, atlases, images, and a dictionary.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Encyclopedias and dictionaries

World Book Online (Student)

Full-text articles on geography, history, science, and current events. Includes biographies, videos, and quizzes. Middle/high school level.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Encyclopedias and dictionaries , Homework


Library materials from public and academic institutions across the world. To request materials through Interlibrary Loan, use MNLINK.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Libraries , Books and authors