Online resources

3 results

Foundation Directory Online Professional

Available only in a library. A listing of charitable foundations and corporate giving programs in the U.S, as well as public charity programs for students, artists, researchers, and individual grantseekers. Includes grant descriptions, trustees, officers and donors. Also offers trainings and other resources designed to improve fundraising, overall sustainability, grantmaking, and transparency.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Grants and foundations

Foundation Maps

Available only in a library. An interactive mapping tool from the Foundation Center that creates images to reveal patterns of giving combined with demographic data.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Grants and foundations

GuideStar Pro

Available only in a library. Research nonprofits to support and to find services.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Grants and foundations