Library Board agenda - June 26, 2024

June 26, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Brooklyn Park Library, Mississippi Meeting Room

The public is welcome at all library board meetings

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance of Library Board Members
  3. Approval of Agenda *
  4. Consent*
    1. Approval of Meeting Minutes for May 15, 2024
    2. Donations
  5. Public Comment

    Those wishing to speak will sign the clipboard at the meeting door before the start of the meeting. Each speaker is allowed up to three minutes, with a maximum total of 15 minutes. Speakers will: state their full name; direct comments solely to the library board members; and speak respectfully. Remarks are limited to topics relevant to Hennepin County Library. The Board does not engage in discussion or debate. Comments will be taken under advisement and may be directed to the Library Director for a response after the meeting.

  6. Commendations
    1. Hennepin County Employee Recognition Awards
      1. Disparity Reduction Award
      2. Innovation Award
  7. President’s Report
    1. Announcements
    2. Library Board Conference Fund Update
  8. Director’s Report, Scott Duimstra
    1. Library, Community, and County Updates
  9. Library Youth Advisory Board Report
  10. Committee Reports
    1. Executive Committee
    2. Budget Committee
    3. Policy Committee
      1. Collection Development and Management Policy
    4. Friends of the Hennepin County Library
  11. Unfinished Business
  12. New Business
  13. Adjourn *
  14. * Denotes board action item.