Library Board meeting minutes - January 26, 2022
The public is welcome at all library board meetings
The Hennepin County Library Board met on Wednesday, January 26, 2021, virtually via Microsoft Teams.
Present: Adja Kaba, Keegan Xavi, Jonathan Gaw, Tim Dolan, Amal Karim, Erin Vrieze Daniels, Gordy Aune, Jr., LaBelle Nambangi, Samuel Neisen, Lynn Stetler, Jane Brissett
Hennepin County Staff: Chad Helton, J.R. Genett, Commissioner Debbie Goettel, Jeannette Lewis, Katie Zeuli, Michael Ohama, Patricia Zagaros, Patti Hetrick, Amy McNally
Call to Order
President Adja Kaba called the Hennepin County Library Board meeting of January 26, 2021 to order at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed all in attendance.
Approval of Agenda
President Adja Kaba amended agenda item #5, President’s Report to add an update from Commissioner Goettel
Motion: Lynn Stetler
Seconded: Jane Brissett
Motion passed.
Approval of Consent Items
Approval of minutes of December 1, 2021, and Acceptance of Donations
Motion: Lynn Stetler
Seconded: Jonathan Gaw
Motion passed.
Public Comment
No public comment
President’s Report
Commissioner Goettel introduced Chief of Staff Michael Ohama who will temporarily take over her duties on the Library Board.
President Kaba reviewed details of approved conference attendance. President Kaba will work with the board clerk to arrange accommodations.
President Kaba made recommendations to the library board on committee appointments, including: Gordy Aune, Jr. as chair of the Budget & Long-term Planning Committee, with Tim Dolan and Sam Neisen serving as members of this Committee; and Amal Karim as chair of the Nominating Committee, with LaBelle Nambangi and Tim Dolan serving as members of this Committee.
Motion: Labelle Nambangi
Seconded: Tim Dolan
Motion passed.
Director’s Report
Deputy Director J.R. Genett spoke to the Library Board on Library, Community, and County Updates. Updates included: 2021 usage statistics; potential AFSCME 2822 strike and related staffing strategies; and reopening of Osseo and St. Bonifacius Libraries.
Library Staff Dialogue
Deputy Director J.R. Genett postponed the Capital Projects and Operations presentation due to presenter absence. CFO Patti Hetrick presented update on the strategic plan process.
In-person Board Meetings
The Library Board discussed in-person board meetings which may return once Hennepin County COVID-19 Safety Plan allows for them.
Committee Reports
Executive Committee presented to the Library Board the quorum motion to be added to the by-laws, proposed by Gordy Aune, Jr. President Kaba called for a vote to update the by-laws to include roll call.
Motioned: Jane Brissett
Seconded: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Motion Passed.
The Policy Committee identified which policies need review this year based on review date. Policies include Commissioned Public Art Policy; Donation Policy; Fee Policy; Patron Data Privacy Policy; and endorsement of Library Bill of Rights.
The Budget & Long-term Planning Committee has not meet since before the previous full Library Board meeting.
The Friends of Hennepin County Library Ex officio member Jane Brissett has no new updates.
Unfinished Business
No unfinished business.
New Business
No new business.
There being no further business, Erin Vrieze Daniels made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:22 p.m.; seconded by LaBelle Nambangi. Motion passed. The next meeting of the Hennepin County Library Board will be held at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday March 23, 2022, virtually via Microsoft Teams.