Library Board meeting minutes - May 15, 2024

The public is welcome at all library board meetings

The Hennepin County Library Board met Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at the Edina Library Meeting Room, 5280 Grandview Sq, Edina, MN 55436.


Library Board members: Gordy Aune, Jr., Jane Brissett, Erin Carney, Xaiyo Chang, Briana Eicheldinger, Randy Klauk, Jessica Kraft, Ashley Krohn, Lynn Stetler.

Hennepin County Staff: Director Scott Duimstra, Lillian Albrecht, Matt Dahl, J.R. Genett, Emmamarie Haasl, Samantha Jekot-Graham, Kelli Koob, Brenna McElroy, Amy McNally, Ayanna Muata, Christy Mulligan, Ali Turner, Dana Strahnson, Denise Silva, Ann Woodson-Hicks, Josh Yetman.

Call to Order

President Jane Brissett called the meeting to order at 5:31p.m. and welcomed attendees.

Attendance of Library Board Members

Library Board Clerk J.R. Genett took roll call and the Board met quorum with nine board members present.

Approval of Agenda

There was one amendment to refer to meeting summaries as meeting minutes.

Motion: Lynn Stetler
Second: Erin Carney
Motion passed.

Approval of Consent Items

Meeting minutes of the March 20, 2024, meeting, and donations. Meeting minutes were approved with one amendment to add the Secretary’s signature.

Motion: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Second: Jessica Kraft
Motion passed.

Dialogue with Commissioner Debbie Goettel

Commissioner Goettel engaged in dialogue with the Library Board on the role of the Library Board and expectations for its members.

Public Comment



Brissett presented Commendations for former Library Board Member Adja K. Kaba to honor her work while serving the Board.

Motion: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Second: Lynn Stetler
Motion passed.

Brissett highlighted library nominees and recipients of two Hennepin County Employee Recognition Awards. For the Excellence in Leadership – Charles M. Sprafka Award, Gail Mueller Schultz was honored as the nominee and Dana Strahnson was honored as the library award winner. For the Administrator’s Award the Mary Ann Key Book Club Team was honored as the library award winner. Mary Ann Key Book Club Team Members include Ehsan Alam, Ellen Buskirk, Gabrielle Clark, Mechelle Fogelson, Erin Glade, Nicole Green, Emmamarie Haasl, Ayanna Muata, Kyle Orcholski, Becky Rech, Denise Silva, Will Sullivan, and Kia Vang.

Election of Officers

Nominating Committee Member Briana Eicheldinger led the discussion in the 2024 election of officers. The committee submitted nominations as Jessica Kraft for Board President and Amal Karim for Board Secretary. A nomination was made for Lynn Stetler for Board Vice President. The Board approved each nomination as submitted.

* Jane Brissett turned the meeting over to newly appointed Board President Jessica Kraft.

President’s Report

President Jessica Kraft highlighted upcoming Hennepin County Library events featured in Board packets.

Kraft appointed committee chairs and members.

Gordy Aune, Jr. was appointed chair of the Budget & Long Term Planning Committee and Erin Carney, Xaiyo Chang, and Ashley Krohn were appointed members of this committee.

Jessica Kraft was appointed chair of the Executive Committee and Jane Brissett, Briana Eicheldinger, Amal Karim, and Lynn Stetler were appointed members of this committee.

Amal Karim was appointed chair of the Nominating Committee and Gordy Aune, Jr., Briana Eicheldinger, and Lynn Stetler were appointed members of this committee.

Michael Hogan was appointed chair of the Policy Committee and Gordy Aune, Jr., Randy Klauk, and Ashley Krohn were appointed members of this committee.

Jane Brissett was appointed as the Friends of Hennepin County Library Ex Officio.

2025-2026 Meeting Schedule

The board reviewed and discussed the 2025-2026 meeting schedule for board and committee meetings. The new meeting schedule was approved with one amendment to end all Executive Committee meetings at 6:30.

Motion: Ashley Krohn
Second: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Motion passed.

Director’s Report

Library Director Scott Duimstra discussed Library, Community, and County updates. These included service statistics, 2024 Public Library Association Conference highlights, Appreciation of Service events, Mary Ann Key Book Club, and encouraging Library Youth Advisory Board recruitment.

Committee Reports

The Executive Committee’s next meeting is June 6, 2024, 5:30-6:30pm at Ridgedale Library, Robert H. Rohlf Room.

The Budget and Long-Term Planning Committee reminded the Board of two upcoming meetings: August 21, 2024, 5:30-7:30pm at Ridgedale Library, meeting room 174, and November 13, 2024, 4:30-5:30pm, Penn Lake Library meeting room.

The Policy Committee had a first read of three policies: Lending Policy, Library Board Per Diem and Expense Policy, and Reserving and Using Library Rooms Policy.

Regarding the Lending Policy, there was one amendment to change the wording of “material” to “materials”.

Motion: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Second: Erin Carney
Motion passed.

Regarding the Per Diem & Expense Policy, there was one amendment to change the wording of “check-ins” to “updates”.

Motion: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Second: Ashley Krohn
Motion passed.

Reserving and Using Library Rooms Policy

Motion: Ashley Krohn
Second: Lynn Stetler
Motion passed.

Unfinished Business

At the March 20 meeting, a Board member had a question regarding public comment from speakers. Regarding public comment from speakers, Kraft clarified that the Board Bylaws allow the Library Board President to establish the length of time for public comment. This time will be capped at 15 minutes to allow the Board to finish business.

Brissett brought forward the Resolution Regarding Public Comment in response to past discussions. Krohn asked if there are opportunities to extend time if needed, Brissett confirmed the President has the authority to allocate additional time. Goettel and Duimstra cautioned against changing the length of public comment to ensure all opinions are respected and they highlighted alternate methods of communicating opinions to the Board.

The resolution passed with one amendment to add the date of adoption to the resolution language.

Motion: Jane Brissett
Second: Lynn Stetler
Motion passed.

New Business

Carney asked for clarification on when new committee assignments were effective. Kraft clarified all new appointments were effective immediately.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Library Board is Wednesday, June 26, 2024, from 5:30-7:30 p.m., Brooklyn Park Library, Mississippi River Meeting Room.


There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 pm.

Motion: Jane Brissett
Second: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Motion passed.