Library Board meeting minutes - November, 16, 2022

The public is welcome at all library board meetings

The Hennepin County Library Board met on Wednesday, November 16, 2022, Eden Prairie Library, Meeting Room.


Present: Adja Kaba, Lynn Stetler, Erin Vrieze Daniels, Gordy Aune, Jr., Briana Eicheldinger, Jane Brissett, and Mike Hogan.

Hennepin County Staff: J.R. Genett, Amy McNally, Josh Yetman, Ali Turner, Jeannette Lewis, Kelli Koob and FHCL Director, Kristi Pearson.

Call to Order

President Adja Kaba called the Hennepin County Library Board meeting of November 16, 2022, to order at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed all in attendance.

Attendance of Library Board Members

Library Board clerk Jeannette Lewis took role call and the board met quorum with 7 members present.

Approval of Agenda

1 amendment to Agenda. No board action required for Art Selection committee
Motion: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Seconded: Erin Vrieze Daniels
Motion passed.

Approval of Consent Items

Approval of the meeting minutes of September 21, 2022, and Acceptance of Donations.
Motion: Erin Vrieze Daniels
Seconded: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Motion passed.

Public Comment

No Public comment was made.

President’s Report

President Adja Kaba highlighted a couple Hennepin County Library events. The History Day Hullabaloo is happening Saturday, December 3, 11am-3pm at Minneapolis Central Library. Macrame’ Hmong Motif Ornaments is happening Saturday, December 3, 2pm-3:30pm at Brooklyn Park Library.

President Kaba appointed Keegan Xavi to the Art Selection committee for the Hosmer Library project.

President Kaba discussed the planning of the Library Board Winter Gathering.

Interim Director’s Report

Interim Director Dan Rogan was absent due to attending the Urban Libraries Council’s annual forum. Deputy Director of Support Services J.R. Genett spoke to the Library Board on Library, Community, and County updates.

Library Staff Dialogue

Nadia Akhtar from TerraLuna Collaborative shared an update on the strategic plan and some feedback received from the library board and library staff. TerraLuna Collaborative is a consulting agency assisting the library with its strategic plan.

Break (30 min)

FHCL Annual Presentation

Kristi Pearson, Executive Director, and Chief Executive Officer of the Friends of Hennepin County Library presented the Friends of Hennepin County Library annual presentation.

Committee Reports

The next Executive Committee meeting is January 11, 2023, at Augsburg Library.

The Friends of Hennepin County Library (FHCL) ex officio Jane Brissett gave an update on the FHCL events happening.

The Budget and Long-term Planning Committee had no updates.

The Policy committee presented the Patron Data Privacy Policy for discussion. The board voted to approve the Patron Data Privacy policy. Motion: Jane Brissett. Seconded: Lynn Stetler. Motion passed.

Unfinished Business

No unfinished business.

New Business

No new business.


There being no further business, Erin Vrieze Daniels made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m.; seconded by Gordy Aune, Jr. Motion passed. The next meeting of the Hennepin County Library Board will be held at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at the Minneapolis Central Library, Doty Meeting Room.