Library Board minutes - November 15, 2023
The public is welcome at all library board meetings.
The Hennepin County Library Board met on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, at Golden Valley Library, Meeting Room.
Present: Jane Brissett, Lynn Stetler, Gordy Aune, Jr., Ashley Krohn, Randy Klauk, Briana Eicheldinger, and Jessica Kraft.
Hennepin County Staff: Scott Duimstra, J.R. Genett, Amy McNally, Josh Yetman, Patti Hetrick, Ayanna Muata, Christy Mulligan, Sarah Garbis, Jesse Sawyer, Kelli Koob, Heather Deutschlaender, Kelly Kraemer, PJ Maracle, Jeannette Lewis, and Dan Rogan.
Call to Order
President Jane Brissett called the Hennepin County Library Board meeting of November 15, 2023, to order at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed all in attendance.
Attendance of Library Board Members
Library Board Clerk Jeannette Lewis took the roll call. The Board met the quorum with seven members present.
Board members gave brief introductions and welcomed Library Director Scott Duimstra.
Approval of Agenda
Motion: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Second: Ashley Krohn
Motion passed.
Approval of Consent Items
Minutes of September 20, 2023, and Donations.
Motion: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Second: Lynn Stetler
Motion passed.
Public Comment
There were no public comments.
Welcome from Golden Valley Staff
Heather Deutschlaender welcomed the Board and provided highlights of Golden Valley Library.
President’s Report
President Jane Brissett asked for Board members interested in attending the PLA Conference.
Lynn Stetler, on behalf of the Board, gave a “Thank you” to Dan Rogan for his work as the interim library director.
Next Board meeting is scheduled for January 24, 2024, at St. Louis Park Library.
Director’s Report
Library Director Scott Duimstra discussed Library, Community, and County updates.
Library Staff Dialogue
Kelly Kraemer, PJ Maracle, Sarah Garbis, and Jesse Sawyer presented on Makoce – Engaging Native Communities. The objective of Makoce is to encourage and promote library services for American Indian communities.
Endorsement of Policies
The Board voted to endorse the Freedom to Read and Freedom to View policies.
Motion: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Second: Jessica Kraft
Motion passed.
Library Board Resolution on Book Banning
The Board discussed the resolution and suggested amendments to the Library Board resolution on Youth’s Freedom to Read.
Motion: Briana Eicheldinger
Second: Lynn Stetler
Motion passed.
Committee Reports
The Executive Committee’s next meeting is scheduled for January 4, 2024, at Ridgedale Library.
Friends of the Hennepin County Library (FHCL) ex-officio Jane Brissett provided an update.
The Budget Committee had no updates.
The Policy Committee chair presented the Communications Policy for vote from the full Board.
Motion: Lynn Stetler
Second: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Motion passed.
Unfinished Business
There was a discussion about audiovisual equipment at Minneapolis Central Library. At future meetings at this location, administration will ensure a working sound system is offered to the Board.
New Business
The Patron Conduct Policy is an administrative policy that is being reviewed by HCL staff.
There being no further business, Lynn Stetler made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 p.m.; seconded by Briana Eicheldinger. Motion passed.