Budget and Long-term Planning Committee meeting summary - August 24, 2022

The public is welcome at all library board meetings

The Library Board Budget and Long-term Planning Committee met Wednesday, August 24, 2022, via Microsoft Teams.


Committee members: Chair Gordy Aune Jr., Lynn Stetler, and Tim Dolan

Library Board members: Jane Brissett

Staff: Jeannette Lewis, Patti Hetrick

Welcome and Call to Order

Chair Gordy Aune Jr. called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed attendees.

Approval of Agenda

Tim Dolan made a motion to approve the agenda; seconded by Lynn Stetler. Motion passed.

Approval of Meeting Summary

Lynn Stetler made a motion to approve May 25th, 2022, meeting summary: seconded by Tim Dolan. Motion passed.

Budget Update

Patti Hetrick presented to the committee the Budget update from the library administration. Patti talked about the strategic plan, revenue, funding and requested budget for 2023 and library budget goals.


Tim Dolan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:46 p.m.: seconded by Lynn Stetler.