Executive Committee meeting summary - January 2, 2025

The Hennepin County Library Board met on January 2, 2025, at Ridgedale Library, Robert H. Rohlf room, 12601 Ridgedale Drive, Minnetonka.


Present: Jessica Kraft (Chair), Jane Brissett, Briana Eicheldinger, Amal Karim, Lynn Stetler

Other Library Board Members Present: None

Hennepin County Staff: Scott Duimstra, Lillian Albrecht, J.R. Genett, Char Kimber, Amy McNally

Welcome and Call to Order

Chair Jessica Kraft called the Executive Committee meeting of January 2, 2025, to order at 5:33 p.m. and welcomed all in attendance.

Attendance of Library Board Members

Library Board Clerk Lillian Albrecht took the roll call. The Board met the quorum with five members present.

Approval of Agenda

Motion: Brissett
Second: Stetler
Motion passed.

Approval of October 24, 2024, Meeting Minutes

Motion: Eicheldinger
Second: Karim
Motion passed.

Code of Conduct for Hennepin County Library Board Members

The Board added an agenda item for the January meeting to reaffirm the Board’s Code of Conduct and encourage respectful behavior during presentations.

January 22, 2025, Board Meeting Agenda

The Board reviewed the draft agenda and discussed topics for the Director’s Report, Staff Dialogue, and Committee Reports.


There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 5:54 p.m.

Motion: Stetler
Second: Brissett
Motion passed.