Executive Committee meeting summary - April 24, 2024

The Hennepin County Library Board met on April 24, 2024, at Ridgedale Library, Robert H. Rohlf Room, 12601 Ridgedale Drive, Minnetonka.


Present: Jane Brissett (Chair), Amal Karim, Lynn Stetler

Other Library Board Members Present: Randy Klauk, Jessica Kraft

Hennepin County Staff: Scott Duimstra, J.R. Genett

Welcome and Call to Order

Chair Jane Brissett called the Executive Committee meeting of April 24, 2024, to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed all in attendance.

Attendance of Library Board Members

Library Board Clerk J.R. Genett took the roll call. The Board met the quorum with four members present.

Approval of Agenda

Motion: Stetler
Second: Karim
Motion passed.

Approval of February 29, 2024, Meeting Summary

Motion: Stetler
Second: Karim
Motion passed.

Discussion of Resolution(s) Regarding Public Comment

Committee discussed a draft resolution brought forth by Brissett. The draft resolution is based on the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners’ existing rules of public participation. Committee discussed how to enforce rules if resolution is adopted, the flexibility of the rules, and how to ensure a variety of topics can be presented during public comment. Committee agreed to present the draft resolution to the Library Board at the May 15, 2024, meeting.

May 15, 2024, Annual Board Meeting Agenda

Amendments were discussed and made to the draft board meeting agenda. Commissioner Debbie Goettel will engage in a dialogue with the board at the annual meeting, in lieu of the staff dialogue.


There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 p.m.

Motion: Karim
Second: Stetler
Motion passed.