Nominating Committee meeting summary - April 26, 2022
The public is welcome at all library board meetings
The Library Board Nominating Committee met Wednesday, April 26, 2022, via Microsoft Teams.
Present: Amal Karim, Adja Kaba, Tim Dolan, Gordy Aune. Jr, Erin Vrieze Daniels, Lynn Stetler, and Briana Eicheldinger
Hennepin County Staff: Jeannette Lewis
Welcome and Call to Order
Chair Amal Karim called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed attendees.
Approval of Agenda
Erin Vrieze Daniels made a motion to approve the amended April 26, 2022, agenda; second by Tim Dolan.
Amendment: Agenda item#4; Remove Slate
Approval of Meeting Summary
Erin Vrieze Daniels made a motion to approve the May 4, 2021, meeting summaries; second by Amal Karim.
The Nominating committee noted that the committee shouldn’t recommend a “Slate” of officers but instead recommend Individual Officers of the board.
Library Board Officers to Report
The Nominating Committee recommends the following Library board Officers: Adja Kaba as President, Jane Brissett as Vice President, and Lynn Stetler as Secretary.
Erin Vrieze Daniels made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:48 p.m.; seconded by Tim Dolan.