Library Board Per Diem and Expense Policy

Hennepin County Library Board Policy


The purpose of this policy is to state the types of expenses the Library Board may incur and define the roles and responsibilities for managing those expenses.


  • Library Board members provide valued service to the Hennepin County Library and the residents of Hennepin County as a whole
  • Library Board members freely give of their time and talents in support of the Hennepin County Library's mission and vision
  • Hennepin County Library provides fiscal support to develop Library Board members' knowledge and understanding of public library services
  • Library Board members receive compensation for their expenses in accordance with Minnesota State Law and Hennepin County Policy

Per Diem Payments

Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 383B.243 which states:

Members of the Library Board shall be allowed a per diem not to exceed $50 for meetings relating to advice and recommendations concerning the library program. Each member may also be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred as a result of the meeting. Payment for meetings of the Library Board shall be authorized in an amount not to exceed two meetings monthly.

Per Diem payments may be claimed by Library Board members for the following meetings:

  • Regular monthly Library Board meetings
  • Special Library Board meetings
  • Committee meetings
  • Any meetings which Library Board members are requested to attend as official representatives

Professional Association Memberships

Library Board members may receive individual memberships in the American Library Association and the Minnesota Library Association for the duration of their service on the Hennepin County Library Board.

Travel and Library Conferences

Authorized travel and library conference attendance will be fully reimbursable, up to the total amount of that year’s budget. The funds will be put into a “pool” and shared by all Library Board members who choose to attend conferences. The value of the fund is established as a part of the annual Library Board budget process. Expenditures may not exceed the total value of that budget for that year.

  • Priority is given to Library Board members who have not attended a conference that year before another Library Board member may attend a second conference.
  • The Library Board President is eligible to attend two conferences per year.
  • There will be twice yearly updates for the dispersal of the funds.
  • A member whose board term expires on December 31 and who does not seek reappointment or is not reappointed but who remains on the board until the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners appointment process is completed is eligible for reimbursement for conference attendance expenses incurred after the member's official term ended on December 31.


On request, additional direct expenses, such as mileage and meals, shall be reimbursed in accordance with Minnesota law and Hennepin County Policy.

Roles and Responsibilities

Library Board members will submit:

  • The "Library Board Timesheet" by the 5th of each month to the Library Director's Office
  • Travel and library conference attendance requests to the Library Board President for approval
  • Requests for travel and other expenses in accordance with Hennepin County procedures

Library Board President in consultation with the Library Director:

  • Manages the Library Board budget
  • Authorizes Library Board member travel and conference attendance

Associated Policies and Laws


This policy is reviewed by the Library Director (or designee) every five years (5) who then makes recommendations to the Library Board Policy Committee. The Committee reviews and revises as necessary, endorses and advances to the full Library Board for approval.

Policy History

Next Review Date: 2029
Date Last Reviewed: May 15, 2024
Replaces: Expense Policy; Per Diem Payments Policy