Lending Policy

Hennepin County Library Board Policy


The purpose of this policy is to articulate the underlying principles for lending library materials to patrons and define the roles and responsibilities for establishing lending rules.


In its mission to inspire, facilitate, and celebrate lifelong learning, the Library makes a significant part of its collection available to patrons to borrow and use outside of the library. Providing access and lending library materials to patrons is a core library service.

  • We function in a resource-sharing environment that depends on the stewardship and good will of all.
  • We value service to patrons; we serve individuals, and the community as a whole.
  • We strive to make limited resources available to all.
  • We support the use of library materials.
  • We seek to provide ease of access to desired library materials.

Roles and Responsibilities

Lending rules and limitations are established to ensure collection accessibility to the community as a whole while striving to support the broadest possible patron access. The Library Director (or designee) will establish and publish specific lending rules that ensure fair and consistent application of this policy.

Associated Policies and Laws


This policy is reviewed by the Library Director (or designee) and Library Board every four years.

Policy History

Next Review: 2028
Date Last Reviewed: May 15, 2024