Patron Rules of Conduct

Hennepin County Library Administrative Policy


The purpose of this administrative policy is to ensure that everyone (regardless of age, race, sex, religious beliefs, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, accessibility needs, political affiliation, or social status) has an opportunity to enjoy public library resources.

Our Commitment

Hennepin County Library is committed to creating inviting, inclusive, accessible, and safe public spaces. It is our goal to ensure that patron behaviors are consistent with the principles and responsibilities described in the Hennepin County Library Board Patron Use of Space Policy. Behaviors and activities that make it difficult for us to provide a positive, welcoming, and inclusive environment, or that jeopardize the safety of others, violate this policy and will be addressed in a manner that is fair and consistent.


The Patron Rules of Conduct is an administrative policy providing guidance for patron conduct expectations in library spaces operated by Hennepin County Library, including within our 41 libraries and within our Ask Us service environments (phone, text, email, and chat).

When appropriate, Hennepin County Library staff will report patron conduct that violates Hennepin County policies and/or federal, state, or local laws to Hennepin County’s Security Division or to local law enforcement.

Responsibilities & Expectations

Each library patron has a responsibility to manage their own behavior in such a way that it aligns with the following expectations communicated in this policy. In situations where that does not happen, patrons can expect that staff will address the behavior appropriately, according to the level of disruption. For more information on what happens in the event the level of disruption reaches the point where a patron is asked to leave the library, the Hennepin County Trespass Procedures are available for review. 

It is our goal that Hennepin County Library is a welcoming public library environment for all, and we expect visitors to be courteous, respectful, and considerate of other patrons and library staff.

Library Patron Expectations

  • Comply with all federal, state, and local laws.
  • Distributing or posting materials without permission is not allowed.
  • Comply with Hennepin County and Library Policies, including the Internet Public Use Policy.
  • Speak and behave respectfully toward other patrons and staff, avoiding behaviors that make it difficult for other patrons to have a positive experience.
  • Respect library property, using library materials, furniture, and technology in a manner that is respectful, safe, and considerate of others sharing the same resources.
  • Safeguard personal items.
  • Attend to those in your care.

Example behaviors that violate the principles in this policy:

  • Verbal or physical harassment or violence directed at staff or other patrons
  • Discrimination based on a person’s age, race, gender, gender identity, gender expression, religious beliefs, accessibility needs, sexual orientation, social status, or political affiliation
  • Speaking to patrons or staff using language that is obscene, vulgar, or disrespectful
  • Shouting and conversations that become disruptive to other patrons, or staff
  • Fighting, threatening others with violence
  • Running in the library
  • Excessive noise making
  • Smoking, vaping, or using e-cigarettes
  • Consuming recreational drugs in the library
  • Illegally downloading copyrighted materials
  • Defacing, damaging, or destroying library property
  • Blocking entrances, exits, or aisles

Children and Youth

There is something for everyone in the library, no matter the age! We welcome children of all ages, and we gladly encourage children and youth to take full advantage of the resources we have available. We also recognize the importance of establishing basic behavior expectations for our younger library patrons.

Children and youth are expected to:

  • Behave in a manner that is respectful and safe.
  • Avoid fighting, running, screaming loudly, and other behaviors that disrupt others from using or working in the library.
  • Respect library property.
  • Be prepared to leave the library at closing time.

Parents & Caregivers

  • Parents and caregivers are responsible for supervising the activities of the children in their care, ensuring their safety all times.
  • Children under the age of eight should not be left alone at the library for any period of time, pursuant to Minnesota Department of Human Services guidelines.
  • Caregivers who accompany vulnerable adults must attend to them and keep them safe during their visit.


Our goal is to foster library environments that are calm, comfortable, and inviting, where people can relax and enjoy the cozy atmosphere and furniture. We also care about the safety and well-being of all of our visitors and ask that patrons remain awake and alert during their visit to the library. Patrons who are asleep in the library should expect staff to check in on them periodically.

Food and Beverages

  • Eating food is generally not permitted on the public floor. Patrons may check with staff for areas in the library designated for consuming food.
  • Most beverages that are covered may be consumed in the library. Drinking alcohol is not permitted.