Suggest a purchase

We appreciate your suggestions for materials to add to the library collection. Purchase decisions are guided by the Collection Development and Management Policy.

You may also be able to obtain an item that the library does not own by using interlibrary loan.

Authors and artists

How to submit your work for consideration for the library collection

How to submit suggestions

Print books or other physical materials

You can suggest up to 5 titles per month. Each suggestion submitted must be a single title.

After you suggest a title for purchase, we will let you know whether we are able to purchase it. You’ll see a response in your library account.

If we order the title that you suggested, check the library catalog to place a hold on it.

Suggest a print book or other physical material

eBooks or eAudiobooks

To express interest in eBook or eAudiobook titles, use Deep Search and Notify Me tags in Libby from OverDrive in either the app or website.

If the library buys the title, you’ll be notified and have the option to borrow or place the title on hold.

In Libby, there are two ways to discover titles that are not yet in the library collection:

  1. Search title, author, or series. If no results are found, Libby will automatically expand into a “deep search” to display relevant titles that are not yet in our collection.
  2. If you run a search that returns fewer than 100 results, you can tap the filter button to manually enable “deep search.”

From the expanded search, you will see relevant results with a Notify Me option. Tap Notify Me to tag titles and be notified if they are added in the future. If a title does not appear in the “deep search” results, it is not available to be ordered at this time.

Note: Suggestions are format-specific, so be sure you tag the format (eBook or eAudiobook) that you want.

A list of your titles with Notify Me tags can be viewed on your Shelf in Libby.